Crystal Therapy
Lauren D'Silva is the Principal
of Touchstones School of Crystal Therapy
She established Touchstones School of Crystal Therapy in 2011 after years of experience tutoring crystal therapists within another school.
If you are starting out with crystals and want to learn how to look after your crystals, to choose crystals for your collection and to connect with crystals for guidance and healing then Lauren's Clearly Crystals online course may be the course you are looking for. You can try out free lessons before you buy:
Lauren's Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses for qualified therapists reflect her healing experience and her specialisms, including relationship healing and regression.
Join Lauren's mailing list if you would like to hear about learning opportunities as they are announced.
Lauren was the Chair of the Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organisations for 6 years, two complete terms of Office from 2014 - 2020. Touchstones is proud to be an ACHO member school.

Clearly Crystals Online Course
Do you love crystals? Would you like to know how to care for them, connect with them, and integrate them into your daily life? Clearly Crystals is structured around Crystals, Lauren's book, which is part of the Godsfield Companions series.
Join Lauren on this step by step video course as she leads you through simple ways care for and connect with your crystals. You'll be developing a greater appreciation of your crystals as companions in your life. Lauren demonstrates easy and practical techniques for you to learn.
Here's what Lindsay thought:
​“A carefully and beautifully crafted course offering crystal wisdom and opportunities for healing."​

Continuing Professional Development for Therapists
If you are a qualified Crystal Therapist you may access Continuing Professional Development courses (CPD). Some courses are available online via Zoom, others need to be delivered in person. Lauren is based in Mid-Wales UK but can be booked to visit provided a large enough class is assembled in a quality venue. Lauren's CPD courses cover a wide range of topics and skills. The topics on this page are just examples. Please join Lauren's mailing list if you would like notification of upcoming CPD opportunities.
Example CPD Modules:
*Relationship Healing including Cord Release
Discover how our relationships provide opportunities for learning and growth. You’ll explore the concepts of soul groups and soul mates as well as the theory of twin flames. You’ll be given emotional healing layouts and visualisations. You’ll find out how relationship cords can affect health and wellbeing on all levels and how to release dysfunctional cords for yourself and your clients. You’ll be shown how to retrieve lost power and learn to create healthy relationship boundaries. Cord release is one of the most potentially transformative healings I offer and I get exceptional results for my clients. The in-depth and personalised method I use takes the efficacy of this approach well beyond the 'quick' cord cutting most people offer.
Crystals and the Goddess
Making the Divine Feminine crystal connection to strengthen and empower women. You’ll be working with Goddess energies and crystals to develop self-worth and self-esteem. Find the power of the feminine life stages, meeting with the Maiden, Mother and Crone. Help your clients with body image issues by looking through the eyes of the Goddess.

Connecting with Crystal Consciousness
Learn key Shamanic principles and discover how to Journey to the three Realms. You’ll connect with Allies and Guides to help you in your healing work and work with Crystal Consciousness for healing and guidance. You’ll find out about the Directions, the Western elements and work with a Crystal Medicine Wheel. Lauren's husband Steve is a Shaman by profession. These were the teachings that first put him onto his path. Please note this course involves an outdoors element in the glorious countryside of Mid Wales weather permitting.
Working with Crystal Oracles
Work with the symbolic language of the subconscious mind and explore the concept of synchronicity for insight and guidance. You’ll cover the ethical considerations of using oracles within a therapeutic setting. You’ll use a range of crystal oracles including decks of crystal cards, casting crystals and scrying.
*Past Life Regression with Crystals
Discover different models of reincarnation and the theories underpinning therapeutic use of regression. Understand the concept of life lessons and the journey of the Soul from lifetime to lifetime. Look at repeating patterns and how to transform them through awareness and healing. Work with crystals that facilitate past life recall. Learn how to conduct a crystal regression and how to support a client to heal past life grief and trauma. I have a depth of experience with Past Life Regression and have used this extensively with my clients. Regression can potentially get to the source of an issue in a way that most therapies can't touch. My book 'Light behind the Angels' tells the story of my own past life exploration and is useful reading for those wishing to take this module.
*NB This is the most advanced and complex healing taught in any of the modules. You'll need to have established a strong healing practice and have plenty of experience of working intuitively with clients to be able to apply the material covered in this module therapeutically with others.
You must have attended the Relationship Healing module to study Crystal Regression Therapy as this module builds on skills and knowledge covered in Relationship Healing.
Gem Waters and Essences
Learning how essences work and how to make them safely, use them and store them. You’ll be making your own gem essences and working out what their properties are. You’ll also find out about gem waters and be given gem water recipes to try as well as creating your own. Gem essences provide useful support between sessions for clients and you can develop your own unique, synergistic range.
Gridding with Crystals and Sacred Geometry
Work with Sacred Geometry and the Platonic Solids. Explore Crystal Mandalas and ways to use them therapeutically. Learn to focus group energy by creating and use a grid for a shared purpose.
Healing on Higher Dimensions
Find out about higher dimensional energies including the Hara Line and the Soul Seat. Learn how the Hara helps you to align with your life purpose and how to work with your clients when they are ready for this advanced healing. Tune into the Core Star to explore your Divine essence.
Connecting with Cosmic Consciousness
Journey into Cosmic consciousness using Starbrary quartz. Lauren wrote Messages from the Cosmos about these extraordinary crystals and continues to host a monthly healing group focussed on Earth healing using them. Discover how to clear your own channel with these crystals and how to use them for personal and planetary healing.
Student Testimonials