I’ve been helping people detach unhealthy relationship cords for the last 25 years and these cord release sessions have proven some of the most transformative for my clients. Cords are also called relationship ties, energy strands, and simply unhealthy connections. Unhealthy cords can hold you stuck in an old relationship, or leave you feeling drained or controlled. My clients have reported feeling free, at peace and more able to move forward in their lives following a relationship cord release session.
Energy connections naturally form between people you spend time with, especially those you feel close to. Most of us have had the fortune to experience a healthy energy connection with a loved one. You might know what your partner is thinking, or perhaps you say the same words aloud at the same time, or discover you’ve been thinking the same thought. Healthy cords create a sense of closeness and companionship in the relationship.
These strands of connecting energy don’t only form between partners, they can be between friends, colleagues and relations. It feels nurturing to spend time with people where you share healthy ties. You’ll come away from such interactions feeling good, and importantly so will the other person! Your relationship feels loving, you know you have each other’s backs and can feel the harmony between you.
In my mind’s eye healthy energy cords are made of bright light of varying hues and they usually connect people from chakra to matching chakra, so for example third eye to third eye connections help you understand what each other are thinking and heart to heart connections help the love flow between you.

Unfortunately, not all relationships are harmonious. When things go sour unhealthy or negative relationship cords can form. They are often dark or dull in appearance and can have a heavier texture. I’ve come across an array of unhealthy cords over the years from fine strings, to heavy ropes, chains, spiky cords like brambles to barbed wire. Some negative ties are completely rigid and inflexible like steel bars or tree trunks, whereas others are subtle and nebulous, looking like mists or clouds. The appearance, size and texture of the cords gives me some insight into the nature of the relationship.
When a relationship breaks down a cord clearing is often needed to free both parties to move on. People can separate but the energy strands do not necessarily dissolve of their own accord. It is rare for negative cords to be completely one sided. Where difficult cords have formed both parties have usually created the energy with their thoughts and feelings. I’ve helped clients release themselves from over-controlling or smothering parents, from difficult work colleagues, from troubled friendships, from all kinds of interpersonal relationships that have become dysfunctional. The work is done on the client’s energy, fortunately the other party does not have to attend the session!
I recommend relationship cord healing when a relationship hits a rough patch, which most do from time to time. By removing any dysfunctional cords there is an opportunity to change a stuck pattern, to find better ways of relating, or if a relationship is truly over it is a chance to free each other so that you can part more gracefully and with gratitude.
Therapists can learn simple and easy cord release routines to manage their relationships with their clients. If they don't look after their energy in this way they can find themselves being drained or overwhelmed simply because they have allowed so many cords to form to so many people. Although these kinds of cords are not noticeable in small numbers, a therapist who allows her clients to habitually cord to her will soon become exhausted. I wonder how many burned out therapists are really suffering from relationship cord issues?
If this article is resonating and you would like my help to release dysfunctional cords consider booking a healing session with me. Contact me and explain briefly why you feel a cord release is needed. I can make an appointment to work with you via Zoom wherever you like in the world provided you have a good internet connection. I’ll help you find the cords are, see what they are like, support you to release them and advise on shielding against reconnection.
If you haven’t worked with me before I'll give you the first 20 minutes of the session for free, allowing me to check that you have the ability to work in this way and also that we feel comfortable working together. Cord release can be an intense experience for some people, so ideally book your appointment on a day when you can rest afterwards if you need to.