I've had a real struggle with weight and body image all my adult life. Earlier this year I decided I'd completely had enough of diets and I would apply the skills and knowledge I have gained over years of working therapeutically with people to my own weight issue.
For the first time I have lost weight gently, kindly and without dieting. I feel much better in my own skin. This is still an ongoing journey; I've lost over a stone now and I have about the same to go before I reach a 'healthy BMI', but this is the lowest weight I have been for at least 15 years and there has been no starving myself or using silly amounts of willpower to get here.
I spotted yesterday that I was wearing exactly the same outfit that I wore in 2018 when I visited the lovely Naisha Ahsian in Sedona so I got my husband Steve to take a photo for comparison. I was pleasantly surprised to see my double chin has vanished!
My guidance has been to share this new approach. I've called it Sacred Vessel as it is about treating your body with the honour it deserves. I really want to help women get out of 'diet hell' and start loving their bodies into health. I've worked with two small online groups now and I'm refining and building on my workshop materials to make them as supportive as possible. I'll probably run another Sacred Vessel group this Autumn. Join my newsletter list if you'd like to get notified.